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Pupil Leadership

Junior Leaders

At Grendon, our WE CAN school ethos is clear. Our school aims refer to offering enriching activities, events and experiences, working together to remove barriers and ensure equality, building independent and resilient learners who are able to communicate confidently and listening to and treating each other and all members of the community with respect, tolerance and concern.

We are also a Unicef Rights Respecting School and are keen to recognise:

  • Article 12 - Every child has the right to have a say in all matters affecting them, and to have their views taking seriously.
  • Article 13 -  Every child must be free to say what they think and to seek and receive all kinds of information, as long as it is within the law.
  • Article 29 - Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full.

Our Junior Leadership Team programme provides not only the opportunity to recognise, value and explicitly teach these rights, but also to meet our school aims. As such, we put children at the heart of our school improvement strategy and empower them to understand that they have a voice and really believe that WE CAN make change happen.

Please read our Junior Leadership Team constitution below to find out more. It provides a clear statement of purpose. It sets out the rules and procedures to be followed when making decisions and discussing important matters. It allows people to check that the Junior Leadership Team is doing everything that it is supposed to do.

Grendon School Junior Leadership Team

The School Junior Leadership Team Constitution provides a clear statement of the purpose of Grendon School Junior Leadership Team.

The Constitution

Section One  - Name

We are Junior Leaders. Together we form the Junior Leadership Team.

Section Two - Purpose

To make a positive contribution to school life by having a voice, making change and leading school improvement.

Section Three - Elections

Junior Leadership Team elections will be held every year in the first half of the Autumn term. All children are encouraged to apply to be Junior Leaders and candidates must write and present their pitch to their class. All children from Year 1 to Year 6 are eligible to vote. 

Section Four - Members

One member of each class from Years 1 – 6 will be elected by their class to serve as Junior Leaders. 

Section Five - Length of Office

The term of office will be 12 months. Members may serve a second or subsequent term if they apply and are elected by their class.

Section Six - Responsibilities

To communicate clearly with their class and find out other children’s views and opinions.

To present information to their class at to the Junior Leadership Team at meetings.

To complete additional research if needed.

To communicate with teachers, parents and governors.

To plan, introduce and feedback on whole school days.

To vote on issues bought to school council.

To become increasingly independent and resilient.

Section Seven - Meetings

There will be monthly meetings of the full Junior Leadership Team. Additional meetings with smaller committees may be convened as necessary.

Section Eight - Code of Conduct

Junior Leaders must:

  • Be good role models for other children.
  • Listen to and respect opinions of others
  • Have good attendance and be on time for school and meetings.
  • Complete tasks allocated to them. 
  • Keep discussions in meetings on topic and relevant.

Section Nine - Resignation of Removal

All Junior Leaders are to be made clearly aware of the expectations that come with the responsibility of being on the Junior Leadership Team. All Junior Leaders will sign an agreement of expectations so they understand the reasons and causes for removal. Resignations must be sent to the Chair in writing. In the letter, reasons for your resignation must be included. Your resignation will be accepted or declined based on consultation with other members of the Junior Leadership Team and the Head Teacher.

It sets out the rules and procedures to be followed when making decisions and discussing important matters.

It allows people to check the Junior Leadership Team are doing everything that they are supposed to do.


24/25 Members

Aiza, Charlie, Hannah, Israa, Lennon, Mackenzie, Martha, Maisie, Saran, Seren and Zainab.

We have had many successes over the years! Please keep looking at the LATEST NEWS and the GALLERY to see what we've been up to.


In January 2015, School Council (now Junior Leadership Team) wrote a song about our We Can ethos.

School Councillors went to their classes and discussed what the We Can motto meant to them.

Words such as respect, achievement, belief were words that then became the starting point for our lyrics.

Mr. Bache worked with school choir to develop a tune and the song is still performed regularly by the whole school in assembly.


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‘We Can'

When the sky is grey,

We can find a way

We will stand tall

We will not fall

And when we’re feeling lonely

And friends are not around

These are the words that help us find our way

We can achieve

What we believe

We can learn to respect and get along with each other

If we exceed

We can succeed

Now the sun shines bright

We can wear it with such pride

Let’s value all

At Grendon School

And now we know it’s true

That there’s nothing we can’t do

These are the words that we all like to say

School Captains

THE 2024 - 2025 School Captains have been announced!

Our School Captain selection process begins in the Summer Term. Children in Year 5 have to write an application and successful candidates are selected for an interview. Interviews are VERY formal and are conducted by the Head Teacher and current School Captains.


Our School Captains in 2024/25 are:

Daniel, Lennon, Macie and Zoe


Job Description:

1. To be a good role model for the children in school.

  • Show confidence, independence and resilience.
  • Demonstrate that you can use your growth mindset.
  • Know all about our school and what is important to us.
  • Have good manners.
  • Be well-organised.
  • Have good attendance and be on time.
  • Dress smartly in school uniform.
  • Keep up with your learning.
  • Model the good behaviour expected at school.
  • Treat everyone equally and fairly and always listen to other people’s opinions.

2. To speak to visitors and show them round the school.

  • Write a script and plan a route for showing visitors around.
  • Practice this script and route so that I can do it confidently and independently.
  • Check corridors and places along the route are tidy each week and coats are hung up.
  • Be able to introduce yourself, saying clearly who you are and what your role is.
  • Know all about Grendon. Describe our We Can ethos and what it means to you.
  • Be polite and helpful.

3. To help deliver all good work and whole school assemblies.

  • Put chairs out in the hall.
  • Make sure stickers, certificates and anything else needed for assembly are ready and organised.
  • Help to put away of chairs and tables after assembly.
  • Collect and give to class teachers any certificates left for children who are absent.
  • Stand smartly at the front of the hall during assembly.
  • Speak in a clear, loud voice when required.
  • Make sure hall is left in a tidy state, doors shut and lights put out

4. To be up to date with, and involved in, school life.

  • Read our school newsletter and website to ensure you know lots about the school.
  • Meet Mrs Ridley each Wednesday at lunchtime in order to plan future tasks and events.
  • Write a report for the newsletter and website each month.

5. To plan and lead tasks and events during the year, for example Easter Bonnet Parade.

  • Use a yearly planner to plan events and activities.
  • Work as a team and recruit other members if needed in order to plan events.
  • Communicate plans clearly to children, parents and staff.
  • Practice to ensure plans will work and everybody is clear about their role.
  • Be involved in the preparation for and the running of any events.

Senior Prefect Roles


The selection process for the School Captain roles is always very difficult as so many of the children show great potential in the interviews. Therefore, other important roles are created around school and all of these children do a great job in their particular role.     

Name Grendon Goals Role
Aiza M

Respect Children's Rights

Junior Leader Monitor& Mr Darby's Prefect



Elyes & Katie


Firdaws, Limar, Shay and Yi


Embrace British Values

Assembly Prefects


Behaviour and Attendance Prefects



Aiza, Dan, Edward, Evie, Hania and Tobey


Ava- Mai, Daisy & Mason


Nurture our Health and Wellbeing

Litter Monitors



Gardening Prefect




Alfie and Jacob


Leo and Marni

Demonstrate our independence

Computer Prefects


Register Monitors




Aqib & Rehan


Offer effective communication




Ali, Aman & Umaiza


Brooke, Casie, Larayba, Leo, Mia, Molly & Rehan

Never Give Up - Be resilient!

Lunchtime Prefects


Library Prefects



Play Leaders

Our Play Leaders play an important role at lunch times working with younger children, helping them to play games and helping our Dinner Supervisors. Children are selected from Year Five and this helps them begin to understand the responsibilities needed to be a School Captain or Senior Prefect.

The 2024-2025 Play Leaders Team:

Amelia, Barrett, Carter, Elsie, Lillie-Mae, Lovelle, Lucas, Mia-Star, Momina, Myesha, Shanae and Zain.

Skills Challenge Leaders

Our Skills Challenge Leaders play an important role in the development of active play with younger children.

Our young leaders work alongside Dinner Supervisors to increase activity levels and participation in games-based activities, through skills challenges.

Children are selected from Year 4 and this helps them to become resilient and independent young leaders.

The 2024-2025 Skills Challenge Leaders Team:

Aadam, Ali, Charlotte, Dottie, Farah, Isla, Jaxon, Kai, Kendal, Oscar, Sundus and Varisha.