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Parent Partnership

'Parent involvement plays a key role in children's academic attainment.'

Education Endowment Foundation 2019

Teachers, parents and, of course, the children themselves all have an important role to play in how children learn. A strong, trusting partnership between school and home is essential for a child to succeed.

At Grendon, we have planned opportunities throughout the year to ensure that parents are fully informed, so they are best able to support their children’s education. We know that by working together WE CAN build strong relationships, explain expectations and reduce barriers which may prevent children from learning. This forms part of our Pastoral Curriculum: enabling all learners to access the Academic Curriculum.

As a parent, you will be offered three planned Parent Partnership events each academic year:

A WELCOME meeting

For families with children in Years 1 to 6, you will meet your child’s teacher and teaching assistant.

During the meeting you will have an opportunity to work alongside your child, to visit the class room and we will share important information about

  • The curriculum
  • Chocolate Chip events (Educational Visits, Expert Led Workshops and Parent Share Sessions)
  • National Testing
  • Homework Expectations
  • How to keep in touch with school

Reception parents will meet their child’s class teacher and visit the classroom as part of the induction and familiarisation programme. A home visit is also available.


You will be invited to find out about a specific experience your child will have during their school year. School staff will explain how you can best support your child in line with the teaching they will receive in school.

The focus of these meetings will be as follows:

Reception: Reading

Year One: The Phonics Screening check

Year Two: Maths

Year Three: Children's Emotional Development

Year Four: The Multiplication Check

Year Five: Online Safety

Year Six: The Key Stage Two SATS tests


Our curriculum includes opportunities for children to share their academic learning with parents, either by inviting families into school as an audience for a final project or to learn alongside children in the classroom.

This year the share session in each year group is:

Reception: A Lego Town - Geography, build a town

Year One: Toys - moving pictures

Year Two: Animals

Year Three: Art Gallery

Year Four: States of Matter - Natural Disasters

Year Five: French Café

Year Six: Crumble Buggies

Further opportunities for parents to participate in the life of the school include special assemblies and events, such as Eid the Christmas Nativity, Easter Bonnet Parade or Sports Day, our Celebration Assemblies where children receive certificates and rewards and, of course, our Open Days and Parents Evenings.

Details of all planned events can be found on our school calendar here.