Junior Journalists
There is always so much going on at Grendon... and who better to tell you about it than the children themselves! You will know from our Vision, Ethos and Aims page that one of our aims is to 'build independent and resilient learners who are able to communicate confidently'. This page is just one of the ways that we achieve that aim.
Please keep checking back to find out about all the things that WE CAN do!
Anusha has written a good luck message to all of the Year 6 children before the SATs start:
Don't worry Year 6!
We know that all of you will be getting ready for the Year 6 SATs that begin on Monday 13th May. You've worked hard all year and I know you are ready for it.
It's okay to be nervous, but remember to have a good night's sleep and to eat your breakfast in the morning. That way you will be prepared for the day ahead.
'We Can' do this and good luck!
Junior Journalist