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As part of our behaviour policy, we introduced a House system at Grendon.

All children at Grendon are placed in one of four houses, except Reception who are 'sorted' into their House as part of their Reception Graduation in July each year.

We have named our houses after people who are aspirational because of their achievements in their field. They all have strong connections to Birmingham and feature throughout our curriculum. Children will find out more about them during their time at Grendon.

Our Houses are:

For a little more information on each House, including our Yearbook Photo, click the yellow tab below;



Matthew Boulton was born in 1718.
He left school when he was 15!
He worked with James Watt on steam engines.
He also helped make toys and coins.
He was a member of the Lunar Society.

Head of House Deputy
Miss. Jones Mr. Norris



George Cadbury was born in 1839.
He formed the Cadbury Chocolate Factory.
He worked with his brother.
He donated the Lickey Hills to Birmingham.
He was a member of the Birmingham Civic Society. 

Head of House Deputy
Miss. Clarke Mrs. Pollitt



Denise Lewis was born in 1972.
She took part in the Heptathlon.
She won Olympic medals, including Gold!
She now works as a TV presenter and pundit.
She was awarded an OBE.  

Head of House Deputy
Mr. Darby Mr. Goodman



Malala Yousafzai was born in 1997.
She moved to Birmingham when she was 15.
She helps make the world a safer place.
She has written several books.
She won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Head of House Deputy
Mrs. Prendeville Mrs. Collins

Children work all year during our usual curriculum and enrichment days to win points for their team. This is another way for us to reward the excellent behaviour we see so often.

On House day at the end of each year, the winning team are awarded the House trophy!

Please find out which House your child is in, and support them in their quest to win points - good luck everybody!


We have quite a few different ways we can award House Points, and we may add even more in the future! You can get House points by:

Receiving a BRONZE Attendance Award (2pts)
Receiving a SILVER Attendance Award (5pts)
Receiving a GOLD Attendance Award (10pts)

By being in REWARD at the end of a school day (5pts)
By being in EXCEPTIONAL at the end of a school day (10pts)

Being in the TOP 3 weekly Numbots or Times Table Rock Stars lists (1pt)
Being in the TOP 10 monthly Wheelers eBooks list (1pt)

A well done for ANYTHING from a member of staff at Grendon (1pt)