“The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future”
Theodore Roosevelt
A high-quality history education will help pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. It should inspire pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past. Teaching should equip pupils to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement. History helps pupils to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time.
WE CAN provide teaching that develops knowledge and skills so children can learn and progress effectively
In Years 1-6 History is taught in blocked units. Pupils in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 follow the National Curriculum. In Reception, EYFS History is taught regularly under the Understanding the World area of learning.
Our history curriculum is planned so that children learn about UK history chronologically before expanding this to learn about significant aspects of the history of the wider world.
In the EYFS, children learn to observe their immediate surroundings, describe similarities and differences and talk about changes they notice e.g. How have I changed since I was a baby? They use pictures, books and photographs to explore life in the past and develop early historical skills.
In KS1, children learn about significant events beyond living memory both nationally and globally such as The Great Fire of London through to significant individuals such as Queen Victoria, Neil Armstrong and Christopher Columbus. The children enjoy learning about the difference George Cadbury made to Birmingham in our locality.
In Lower Key Stage 2, children complete work on changes in Britain from the Stone Age through to the Iron Age. They continue their understanding of world history through the study of the Ancient Egyptians. Children learn and think about social hierarchy and laws through the Pharaohs and focus on inventions such as use of Papyrus, farming and the use of the River Nile.
In Upper Key Stage 2, children learn about the changing power of monarchs through to the social history of the Anglo Saxons. The legacy left by the Ancient Greeks gives children an insight into their influence on the western world today and the study of the Mayan civilization provides contrast to their work on British History and The Battle of Britain.
Vertical links through history units allow children to revisit events that came before to understand and place their new learning. In Year 5 children learn about the Anglo-Saxons and then in Year 6 they learn about the struggle between the Viking invaders and the Anglo-Saxons. Horizontal links to other subjects in the same school year enable children to join up their learning. In Year 1, children learn about the past and present in History, this is revisted in PSHE and Geography work.
A good History unit at Grendon will support children to find out about and understand historical events of the past with an enthusiasm for learning. Children will develop appropriate vocabulary and will work practically and engage in projects using primary and secondary sources to work and have the opportunity to share what they know in an appropriate way.
Engaging teaching and ‘chocolate chips’ (workshops, educational visits and sharing with parents) enhance teaching and learning. In Year 1 children visit the Back to Back houses to explore first-hand how people used to live in Victorian times and to compare this with their own homes. Children in Year 2 build their own cereal box houses, recreate Pudding Lane, and set fire to it in order to experience how fast this fire may have spread. Year 2 also enjoy a visit to Selly Manor where they find out about the life of George Cadbury and explore Bournville village.
In Year 3, children take part in a workshop on the late Stone Age period. They enjoy an expert led workshop where they observe and handle artefacts including real Stone Age tools and Mammoth’s teeth!
In Year 4, children benefit from a Canal Visit and explore St James’ School Room at the Black Country Museum. This supports their work on the Industrial Revolution in Birmingham.
Year 6 children develop their understanding of the Battle of Britain with an Educational Visit to RAF Cosford.
History is included in the annual planned cycle for Homework projects. This allows children to engage in historical learning at home with their families.
WE CAN offer enriching activities, event and experiences
History is sometimes a feature of Whole School Days or Junior Leaders Days. Our Grendon Jubilee Day allowed children to explore the history of our school.
Our assembly plans recognise important historical events.
WE CAN work together to remove barriers and ensure equality
The most able learners are encouraged to explain History on a deeper level or to communicate what they know and understand in a more challenging way.
Scaffolding, support and appropriate differentiation is embedded into each lesson for children with SEND when appropriate. Children who speak English as an additional language may receive pre-tutoring to embed the necessary language for lessons before they take place. Where gaps in understanding are identified, a teacher will plan to fill these.
WE CAN build independent and resilient learners who are able to communicate confidently
History units are structured towards a final outcome where children are encouraged to use what they have learnt independently or to share what they know. When developing new skills, children are supported to persevere, build resilience and maintain a growth mindset.
History lessons present children with many opportunities to develop their communication skills.
WE CAN listen to and treat each other and all members of the community with respect, tolerance and concern
Children are reminded that although the people, places and customs they learn about in History may be different to what is normal to them, they must be respectful of and tolerant to these.
WE CAN recognise ability, maximise potential and prepare children well for their future and life in modern Britain
Learning about History enables children to understand the world in which they live and their place as global citizens. Through History, children gain familiarity with Britain’s long history of involvement with people from other cultures and continents.
Our History curriculum seeks to prepare children for the next stage of their school career.
An interest in History at primary school may lead children into environmental, scientific or sociological career paths in their adult lives.
Online Learning
Explore British and World History with BBC Bitesize
Information, games and quizzes from History for Kids
Object Lessons - A digital collection of over 400 artefacts and costumes from the Islington collection and includes accessible information and links. It gives the opportunity to explore a selection of their objects in the collection through high quality images accompanying text and interactive areas.
History for Kids - lots of very interesting history stuff!