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Co-Opted Governors

Find below our current list of Co-opted Governors. If you click on the name you will see their role within the Governing Board as well as little about them.

Mrs. Vicky Cameron

I am a self-employed mum of two, both my children have attended Grendon and both have benefited from the school's amazing pastoral support. Becoming a parent governor was my opportunity to give something back to the school that both my children have lived attending.

Appointing Body Governing Board
Positions of Responsibility

Pupil Premium
Sports Premium
Looked After Children

Committee Membership

Provision and Performance 

Current Term of Office 21.03.2024 - 20.03.2028

Mr. Andrew Hopkins

Awaiting Statement

Appointing Body Governing Board
Positions of Responsibility


Committee Membership

Business and Infrastructure

Current Term of Office 11.07.2024 - 10.07.2028

Mr. Samuel Lewis (Chair)

Awaiting Statement

Appointing Body Governing Board
Positions of Responsibility

Chair of Governing Board (from 19.09.24)


Committee Membership

Business and Infrastructure

Provision and Performance

Current Term of Office 11.07.2024 - 10.07.2028

Mr. Brian Worrall

Appointing Body Governing Body
Position of Responsibility


Health and Safety


Committee Membership Business and Infrastructure
Current Term of Office 14.12.2023 - 13.12.2027