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Academic Curriculum

WE CAN provide the knowledge and skills to embrace learning through an academic curriculum providing effective structure and opportunity in order that all of our children have the keys to unlock their futures and believe WE CAN.

Our Academic Curriculum ensures coverage of the EYFS Curriculum Framework and the National Curriculum for our pupils.

In Years 1 to 6, children follow the National Curriculum.

The Core subjects of English, Maths and Science are taught throughout the year.

Our Life Education provision delivers Religious Education and Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) including statutory Health Education and Relationships Education. We also teach additional Sex Education content.

All Foundation Subjects are of equal importance. Foundation Subjects are taught either as ‘blocked units’ or through ‘regular teaching’.

In Reception, children follow the EYFS Framework. The Prime areas include Communication and Language, Personal Social and Emotional Development and Physical Education. The Specific areas include Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design.

Details of what your child will learn in each year group can be found on the Road Map on our class pages. Further information on the National Curriculum coverage for each subject can be found by clicking on the subject menu.

Early Years (EYFS) English
Mathematics Science
Computing Design & Technology
Geography History
Modern Languages Music
Physical Education Religious Education

Our Academic Curriculum is delivered in an engaging and exciting manner and teaching is enhanced by 'Chocolate Chips'. These are exciting in class activities, educational visits, expert led workshops and opportunities to share learning with parents parent share sessions. Full details of the Chocolate Chip programme for the coming year can be found below:

Curriculum Chocolate Chips

Our school vision states:

WE CAN provide the knowledge and skills to embrace learning through an academic curriculum, providing effective structure and opportunities in order that our children have the keys to unlock their futures and believe WE CAN.

This is why we offer a programme of ‘chocolate chip’ events which enhance academic learning, provide memorable experiences for children and support pupils’ wellbeing.

Each planned event has a clear academic purpose and children will use what they learn during the experience back in the classroom.

To enable the experiences to go ahead, we have to ask families to make a contribution to cover the costs. We do not profit from the chocolate chip programme and work hard to keep the costs as low as we can and give you as much notice as possible. If insufficient funds are received from parents then the experiences will have to be cancelled.

Payment should be made through School Money and making payment will act as your digital consent for children to participate in the experiences.

Payment plans or reduced payment agreements are available. Please speak to us in confidence if this is something you need. If no payment has been received by the due date, then members of the office staff and senior leaders will make contact with you to discuss payment.

Information on all Chocolate Chip Events, including costs, can be found on class pages.

Homework at Grendon

At Grendon, we believe that homework is an important aspect of a child’s education.

It encourages them to realise that learning can take place outside the classroom, promotes independence and encourages them to play a more active role in their learning.

Homework also allows parents, carers and the school, to work in partnership for the benefit of their child.

We also recognise the importance of families engaging their children in a broad range of activities outside of school. We celebrate these achievements half-termly, as part of our Feel Good Friday Programme, and understand that this is valuable and takes up additional time outside of school.

  Weekly Homework Homework Project Online learning

Reading books – either child reads independently, to an adult or adult reads to child.

5 x 10mins per week


Spellings/phonics/word recognition.

Set termly, and subject based. Gives opportunity to find out, record and present information independently and creatively. Encompasses other subject areas and develops transferable and life skills. Parents will be signposted to a range of online activities and websites designed to support learning. To be completed independently and will not be set or monitored by school.
Year 1 & 2

Reading books – either child reads independently, to an adult or adult reads to child.

5 x 15mins per week


Spellings/phonics/word recognition My Maths and Numbots

Set termly, and subject based. Gives opportunity to find out, record and present information independently and creatively. Encompasses other subject areas and develops transferable and life skills. Parents will be signposted to a range of online activities and websites designed to support learning. To be completed independently and will not be set or monitored by school.
Year 3 & 4

Reading books – either child reads independently, to an adult or adult reads to child.

5 x 20mins per week


Spellings/phonics/word recognition My Maths and Times Tables Rock Stars

Set termly, and subject based. Gives opportunity to find out, record and present information independently and creatively. Encompasses other subject areas and develops transferable and life skills. Parents will be signposted to a range of online activities and websites designed to support learning. To be completed independently and will not be set or monitored by school.
Year 5 & 6

Reading books – either child reads independently, to an adult or adult reads to child.

30mins per week


Spellings, My Maths and Times Tables Rock Stars

Set termly, and subject based. Gives opportunity to find out, record and present information independently and creatively. Encompasses other subject areas and develops transferable and life skills. Parents will be signposted to a range of online activities and websites designed to support learning. To be completed independently and will not be set or monitored by school.
If you have any questions about homework then please contact your class teacher.