
Congratulations to 5D who had 100% attendance last week, for the second week in a row. Excellent job!
Whole school attendance was 95.33%
Our attendance target is 96% so we need to try harder to improve. We also need to make sure that we are coming in to school on time. School starts at 9am
Click here to see the attendance percentages for the whole of last term
Click here to see how we celebrate excellent attendance
Attendance for Last Term (January to March)
It is the Parent or Guardian's responsibility to ensure that their child attends school every day.
Children should be in their line ready to start school at 9AM. School starts promptly at 9am. Children who arrive after this time are late and often miss the start of their lesson. This also disrupts the learning of other children.
Late children should be brought to the Office by an adult to provide a reason and collect a late slip which is to be handed to the class teacher as registration closes at 9.10am. Regulations mean children who arrive late after the registers have closed will receive an authorised absence mark. If your child has a medical appointment please let the Office know in advance and bring in proof.
Currently we are closely monitoring punctuality
Please call before 9.30 am to report an absence and provide a reason
You must phone each day of your child's absence; when you do not phone, your child's absence will be recorded as unauthorised.
If your child is going to be collected from school by someone other than you please inform the school office by1pm at the very latest
The school gates will not open until 8.50am. Parents/carers must not enter site before this time.
At our school we believe that excellent attendance (100% or as near as possible) can be achieved when staff, parents and children work together in partnership.
We work with a variety of outside agencies to ensure children receive their educational entitlement, offer families support and meet our attendance targets.
We believe that children who are regularly late and have poor attendance are being denied their equal opportunities and are not able to reach their potential.