School News

The school photographer will be coming in on Thursday 23rd October to take individual photos.
Children should wear full school uniform. Children who have siblings in school will have their photos taken together unless you advise us otherwise. Older children should collect their younger siblings for the photograph when sent for.
If you have children of pre-school age who you would like to be in the picture, please be in school by 8.40am.
Our Harvest Festival raised £49 to purchase a sheep and two chickens for less fortunate families. Thank you for everyone who donated tins and packets to the Kinmos Centre in Kings Heath to support to homeless.
The Macmillian Coffee Morning was a great success. We raised £190.10 to support people and their families who are facing cancer. Have a look at our certificate:
If your child is unable to attend any Religious Celebration please contact school and inform us of your reasons. If we do not hear from you we will assume that they can take part.