Year Five Bubble Closure
Dear Parents,
I have been informed this morning that a Year 5 pupil has had a positive test result. Thankfully the pupil has no symptoms and is otherwise well.
I have contacted the Department for Education Coronavirus helpline and the Birmingham Health Protection Team as is required of schools. They will provide further information within 48 hours.
Although Year 5 are taught in class bubbles, they are also in Year Group bubbles for playtime and lunchtime, as detailed in our risk assessment and action plan published in July. For this reason, we have closed Year 5 to pupils and staff who may be close contacts. It is likely that they will need to isolate for 14 days from today, although I will confirm this once we have more information from the Health Protection Teams.
The rest of your household is unaffected by this unless your Year 5 child develops symptoms. Siblings should still be in school – we realise this is difficult if you have nobody to bring them or stay with your Year 5 child at home. Please talk to us if this is the case.
Our Home Learning letter that went out last week explains our expectations for working from home. Children have been reminded today about how to access this. Please contact school if you cannot access online learning and we will provide paper packs as detailed in our letter.
If your child is in Year 5 and is entitled to free school meals, we are able to provide a food parcel containing sandwich meal items for your child. This can be collected weekly from school, although Year 5 children should not be bought onto site. Please contact the school office on 0121 474 2460 or if you would like this food parcel.
Taking the decision to close school to any pupil is always difficult but I must prioritise the health and safety of all and follow guidance issued from health professionals. You will be aware however that most local schools have already had to take this action. It is going to prove a challenging year for us all. I know that we can count on your support throughout. Please don’t hesitate to contact school if you need further information.
Kind regards
Mrs Ridley